Thought I would try to blog a little today. Seems like I've been away forever. I picked up one of my girl friends at DFW Airport Tuesday morning. We have been friends since childhood. We have been running around and catching up. It has been great. She will be here until Monday. I took her to Jana's, to see her beautiful shop of treasures. She loved it. I'm hoping we will get to see Charlene before she leaves. Another friend, Debbie came over last night and we had a roast for dinner. Was so good to be with Deb and Sarah. Just wish she could stay longer.
These are a few pictures of some of the things I found last weekend. I love finding lace, tatting and crochet. The piece of crochet that looks like a butterfly, well they are two of them. And the one like it that is only half of it, well they were four of them. All so pretty and all of it for fifty cents. WHAT A DEAL!

This one is an embroidery scarf I found some time ago. I had it on one of my tables for a while. Don't you just love the little pink roses.

And this is a quilt top that wasn't finished, but I thought was beautiful. Looks like a table cloth that is unfinished. It was all done by hand with little tiny stitches and looks like the prints in it is made from feed sacks. I love it.

Hope you enjoyed looking at my treasures. I'll try to show some more things soon.
Have a wonderful night and think loving thoughts.