This is an old chest that I found on the curb about a week ago. I had went to the grocery store and was on my way home, it was a little dark and I thought I saw something on the side of the road. So I backed up to take a look. And sure enough there was a chest. It was a pityful sight. I struggled to get it in the back of the van, it was quite heavy with the drawers in it. And very dirty. I didn't try to check it out until the next day. When I took it out of the van I could see it had good bones so I grabbed the vacuum and Mean Green and started to clean it up. Then I got my mouse and started sanding. It really looked pretty good so I brought out the primer and gave it a coat, then a coat of oops paint that I found for six dollars. I added a bottle of burnt umber to it to get it to the shade I liked. This is how it turned out after two coats, two coats of wax and some different knobs that I had. The pics look a little darker than it really is. My furniture in my bedroom is Navaho White and it is pretty close to that.

I was going to put this in the Antique Alley at Cleburne next month, but I liked it so much I decided to keep it for a night chest to sit beside my bed. It looks good in there and gives me two more big drawers for storage.

I took some pics of it before I cleaned it up, but they were not very good and I deleted them and forgot to take some more. I don't remember things too well these days. The drawers are lined with old newspaper from 1875. It was some kind of wall paper that they put in when it was made. Looks goods and I loved reading what was on the paper.

Thought I would also show you my little eggs. As you can see by the dime in there with them they are pretty small. I made these while watching T.V. Saturday afternoon. They have several coats of Light Victorian Teal on them. Think they turned out pretty cute. I am going to start putting some things in my other blog tatteredelegance&closecreation, its on my side bar under my selling spots. I will probably list my eggs on there.
I am working on a couple of chairs and will post them as soon as I finish. I also found an old victiorian book shelf Sat. at a yard sale for ten dollars. It needs some work, but I'm anxious to get started.
Hope everyone had a good weekend and have a great Tuesday.
Hugs, Pat