This if my find today. I stop in the Goodwill anytime I am close to it just to see if they have something. And today they had this corner shelf. It sure was dirty, but I took some Mean Green to it and got off all the dirt and grime. I am going to give it a good sanding and some shabby white paint. This will make someone a good display shelf in and antique booth. I've got several things going right now, but should finish one or two this week.

Here is a pic of Joanna and Cindy, I got this one just going around the room snapping shots. Thank you Joanna for hosting this wonderful night. I think everyone had a great time.

In this shot Angela was showing us a new tip on adding color to a black and white. As you can see, she sure had the attention of Lori, Lisa, and Audra. Oh yes, Audra is a new comer to the group and to the Metroplex. Hope you come back everytime. This girl can draw, we need to get her some watercolor pencils. She has talent, we just need to get her to get it together.LOL

Joanne was organizing all her pics. She had a lot and worked on them for quite a while. And Cami was working on a little fairy. It is adorable! I'm sure she will post it when she is finished.

Charlene and Cami talking over something. Probably thinking about hitting the food table. We had delicious cup cakes, Cami brought an impossible pie, very tasty, I brought some chips and dips and there was come chocolate candy or cookies I think. All was very good. I think everyone had a great time and can't wait for next month.
Tonight we are expecting snow again, I just hope we don't get much. I'm not a snow person, guess thats one reason I love Texas. But this seems to be our year to get that white stuff. Oh well, spring will be here soon, I saw my first blooms Sunday. A house down the street from me has a bush that is full of red blooms. It looks so pretty and springy. Also my vine has yellow buds on it and my rose bush is putting on leaves. Can't wait for that WARM weather.
Hope all of you have a great Tuesday!
Hugs, Pat