Thought I would share this sweet little post card with everyone. I thought she was so lovely. And the writing on the back will look good with some of your art too.
I have been spending the last couple of days working on one of my chairs. I made a new bottom for the chair and today I made a Crazy Quilt top for the cushion. Still need to do the embellishments and I will have to do something to the chair. I will either sand and stain or sand and paint. Since it is an antique I think I will do the stain. I'm taking pictures so when it is finished I will post it. I also finished up on my pottery that I was fixing. Need to wrap and pack it tomorrow and take it to the owner Sunday. I'll take some pics of it tomorrow and post it later. I worked on six pieces. Some I did over and over. Sometimes it takes quite a while to get it right.
Hope every one will have a blessed night. Hugs, Pat