Today is the start of a brand new year and I thought I would show you something old, very old at this time. I love new things, but old things just really touch my heart. I wonder how many hands have touched this old book and how many students have looked up words here. This is an old dicitionary. Really I have never seen one like it. The pages are yellowed and brittle and the front cover is missing. But it will still give life to new creations, so in a way it will become new again. 

The pictures and maps are so colorful here.
I want to focus on this new year with only good thoughts about everyone and our country. Wishing love and peace around our world. We are all promoting love around our world with our crafting blogging friends. We are a group of women that love each other no matter what country we are from or what religion we come from. If only everyone could touch the love we all have for each other, if only everyone would build each other up instead of anger we would be living in a peaceful world. I pray that one day the fighting will stop and we can all be a peace. GOD BLESS US ALL!Hugs, Pat
I love old books too and think the same things, how many hands have touched the pages, how many eyes have read it's contents...
I love this post and totally agree with you, the bonds that have formed through the blog world...together we CAN make a difference in this world we live in, no matter what religion, race, etc. Happy New Year my friend.
Hugs ♥ Teresa
I had said OFTEN that if woman were in charge on truly influential things in this world ...instead of men for so many of the past CENTURIES...there would be peace today.
MEN with their EGO'S running out of control and unbridled sin...against God and women...have caused the issues we have had for many, many eons.
I firmly believe NO sane woman would want to have their children or grandchildren in harms way.
And that would be the end of WAR period.
Oh I so agree with you Pat...Old pages worn with time..just really draw me to them...I love the color and feel of those old pages...Thank you for stopping by and your kind words... I am truely Hopeful of this New Year and what it will bring to us all! I love what you wrote also...If there were more people in the world that thought this way.. the world would be a much better place...lets hope and pray for that!
Hi Pat:
What a beautiful dictionary!!! I, too, love old books. Their history must be great. To think of all the times it was opened to find the definition of many words : ) Delightful.
Please let us see the creation you make using it's pages.
I came to you via Carol Anne's Boutique blog.
peace & Happy New Year
Oh Pat, your dictionary is GORGEOUS!!! The older, the more tattered...the better! I love your wishes for this new year dear friend. Wishing a wonderful year for you...hugs and love, Dawn
Amen to everything you said :) I love your old dictionary, I always wonder about the stories of the old books and papers that I find, and in the end I don't have the heart to tear them up or use them :) I hope you have a wonderful New Year filled with lots of love, laughter and nothing but good things :) Besos, Rose
Love, Love, Love old books........can it really be 2010....
So glad I found your blog and look forward to many reads in 2010..
Happy New Year..
Hi Pat! I know what you mean about old dictionaries....I find them just as fascinating and am so drawn to them! I have been collecting many, and they are just as brittle as yours look!
I so agree with your reflective thoughts, Pat! Peace and tranquility are lovely words for the entire world to live by.
Hi Pat. This is a beautiful post!!!
Yes, we should all support global creativity and love one another with a pure heart.
" It is only
with the heart
that one can see
rightly"~ Antoine
de Saint-Exupery
Sweet thoughts for the New year and I couldn't agree more. I just purchased 3 very old but great looking books for new life in my art - what fun! And, we're recycling at the same time. Good for us :-)
What true words you spoke about building up & Love! It would be nice if everyone would follow that path...
Thank you for you hugs, prayers & support for Reba & I. I am waiting with baited breath for bloodwork results on Monday. Hugs! Charlene
I love those books! I can't wait until Friday night. Don't know what I'm going to work on yet. Maybe Valentines stuff. I'm bringing your calendar. Lisa
Amen to your sweet thoughts.
Miss You,
Hi Pat
Thank you so much for visiting over at my place and for entering my giveaway
Happy New Year
~ Tina
Cool book! The older the better for me.
Thinking of you Miss P....hope you are well!
Happy New Year~
Love, Rebecca
Hi Pat ~
I was just stopping by to say hi this morning before heading off to market ~ I hope you have a wonderful day and I cannot wait to get together again ~
Hi the old book...just wanted to stop by and say hi and thanks for dropping in over at my
place....Hope you are having a great day...
Sweet Blessings...
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